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 Quant Africa is creating numerous equity indices and  
 Exchange Traded Funds for various African Capital Markets. 


Quant Africa Wealth Management is a Securities and Exchange Commission of Zimbabwe registered investment management firm. 

We are a fiercely independent and privately owned investment management company. We focus on achieving lasting impact by generating long term wealth for our investors.  We also recognise that our future success  depends  on our ability to help clients achieve their investment objectives. 


Quant Africa offers a comprehensive range of investment capabilities meant to open up previously illiquid or out of reach areas for investors . We are setting up exciting and innovative platforms and boutiques to enable our clients invest with simplicity, comfort, and at the lowest cost while accessing previously unreachable, illiquid or uninvestable markets across Africa.  We are well positioned to research , innovate and identify long term investment opportunities  with lasting impact for our investors


Our vision is to generate sustainable long term returns that make a real difference in our client’s lives. 

Our clients include individuals, pension and retirement funds, trusts , companies including state owned companies and foundations 

Through these investors ,we are building the pillars that enable us to help create and influence the future Africa needs today.   





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